Yearly Archives: 2021
Evergreen Marketing – How to achieve forever marketing
Here is a gem from the archives. Creating ‘evergreen marketing’ is the perfect way to keep your business in plain sight of your audience. Find out how you can achieve this by reading on. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could produce a piece of marketing collateral that will promote your business forever? Do […]
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How to Make Your Blog Voice Personal
What’s your blog voice? Last week, I looked at five ways to help you keep your blog ideas coming. Therefore, the next logical step is to help you make your blog unique. Of course, the type of original content you put out helps, but your uniqueness should come from your style and approach. I’m sure […]
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How to Keep Your Blog Ideas Coming
Blogging is a great way to promote your business but coming up with a constant stream of blog ideas is a lot harder than it sounds. If you run a blog, you’ll know what I’m talking about. So, how do you make sure you always have a list of topics to write about? The answer […]
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Corporate Blog – To Make Yours a Blog People Want to Read
A corporate blog, in fact, any term that incorporates the word corporate, carries connotations of boring. Don’t get me wrong. The fact that so many companies have realised the potential of a blog to boost their online presence (and search engine optimisation), cement their status as experts and as an excellent customer service tool is […]
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Marketing copywriting should always be simple
Your marketing copywriting should always be simple. “My audience is highly educated.” “Everyone in our industry speaks like this. It’s expected.” “I want to sound intelligent and complex phrases achieve that.” “Of course, my customers know what our acronyms mean.” Those are just a few of the objections I hear from clients […]
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Copyediting: What it is and why you need it
Copyediting, copywriting, proofreading – aren’t they all the same thing? No, they’re not. Generally, a copywriter will create content, which could then be copyedited and, finally, proofread. So, what does the copyeditor do if the copywriter writes and the proofreader does a final sanity check for grammar and typos? In the simplest terms possible, copyediting […]
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Stop Skimping on Your Marketing Content
How important is your business and its marketing content? That might sound like a daft question, but I feel it has to be asked. Why? Well, mainly due to the rise in the number of websites that offer dirt-cheap design services, website development and copywriting. For a few pounds, you can find someone to create […]
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Get Your Marketing Content up to Scratch or the UK Market
Marketing content is country-specific. This article from my archives is getting an airing again because it’s something that’s often overlooked when companies try to break into new markets. Although the focus is on the UK, the sentiment remains for any global market. Marketing content is country-specific. […]
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Tone of Voice: What is it, and How Do You Find Yours?
Tone of voice; you’ve read it numerous times. Every marketer on the planet is telling you that your company needs a tone of voice guide. You get it, but convincing your management to fork out for one is proving tricky. How to get your management team on board when creating your tone of voice If […]
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How to Write a Sales Letters – the Perfect Recipe
Sales letters are still a valuable marketing tool, even in today’s digitally dominated world. I know the title of this article talks about the perfect recipe, but there is no one-size-fits-all formula. Your sales letter, its approach and tone will depend on your audience and the letter’s purpose. However, there are some core elements common […]
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