How to Make Your Copywriting Project Smooth Sailing
copywriting project You’re overworked and underpaid – aren’t we all? Just as you thought you were about to see the bottom of your in-tray for the first time in months, your boss dumps another load of work on you. As he walks away, he mutters… ‘Oh, by the way, we need the annual report […]
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Why Copywriters Make Great Listeners
Most people think that to be a copywriter you only have to be able to write. Of course, that’s a big part of the job. But writing isn’t just writing. There’s a lot more to it than that. A professional copywriter does several things really well: Writing Researching Listening It’s that last one that I […]
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A Copywriter’s Open Letter To Clients Everywhere
Dear Client, I felt yesterday’s meeting was very positive, and I loved your enthusiasm for doing things differently. As discussed, when it comes to making an impact, being brave and using an approach that is the opposite to your competitors’ will catch the eye of potential clients. It’s like I said if a company is […]
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One Way Your Company Can Become A Great Place to Work
It’s pleasing to see how many companies are striving to be a great place to work. Many things need to happen to achieve that status. Many of which are far beyond the remit of a copywriter like myself. However, there is a way your copywriter (or me if you don’t have one) can help you […]
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How To Write For Your Market
Before you sit down and start writing, how much thought have you given to the people who will be reading your content? Hopefully, a lot. The way you write will have a huge impact on how well it’s received and how effective it is. Using the right tone, vocabulary, and style will decide whether your […]
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How To Keep Your Copy Tight
Most people (yes, including you) think that writing copy sounds easy. After all, you’ve been writing practically your whole life. All copywriting is, is creating content that markets your business. What’s the point in spending a load of money on a professional copywriting when you can do the job just as well yourself? The problem […]
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Copywriting Isn’t About Grammar
grammar Copywriting isn’t about grammar? Before you shoot me down in flames, hear me out. I know some reading this won’t agree with me. For many, grammar comes before everything else; it’s the most important aspect of written communications; it’s what keeps the English language alive. The thing is, when it comes to copywriting, […]
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Focusing Your Message – What Are Your Priorities?
One of the biggest issues I find in the marketing world is clients not knowing what their priorities are. Or, to be precise, they think they know what they are, but they’re wrong. Let me explain. When meeting with a client for the first time, I’ll spend a lot of time chatting about what […]
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Why You Don’t Need to Use a Copywriter With Experience in Your Industry to Get Great Copy
Not only do you not need to use a copywriter who has experience in your industry to get great copy, but it’s also better if you don’t. Let me explain. If you were launching a brand new product to market and wanted the best field sales team possible, what would you look for in […]
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Never Underestimate the Comfort of Continuity
In the old days, you would market your business through adverts, direct mail or word of mouth. A recommendation would be enough for someone to seek you out to do business with you. Today, marketing is far more complex. Customers are more demanding and expect you to show them why they should spend their […]
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