Most people (yes, including you) think that writing copy sounds easy. 

After all, you’ve been writing practically your whole life. All copywriting is, is creating content that markets your business. What’s the point in spending a load of money on a professional copywriting when you can do the job just as well yourself?

The problem is, that type of attitude could be your downfall. After all, just because you’ve watched the entire back catalogue of Suits doesn’t mean you can successfully represent yourself in court. 

Writing effective copy is a lot harder than you think. 

The first thing you have to do is distance yourself from your business so you can write something that’s focused on your reader. 

Then you have to consider how to make sure it flows?

How do you keep it clear and uncluttered?

7 Ways to keep you copywriting uncluttered

These 7 tips (for copywriters and non-copywriters) will help your writing flow and keep it crystal clear.

1. Focus

Don’t try to complicate your copy by addressing more than one idea. Keep your writing focused on one main aspect to keep it clean and uncluttered.

2. Clarity

It’s very tempting to start using great long words in an attempt to make yourself look highly educated. 


The best copy uses simple, plain language that is accessible to everyone. 

3. Plan

Always work out what you want to say before you start writing. 

Your writing should follow a structure with a beginning, middle and end – just like you were taught at school. 

By creating a plan, your writing will flow and follow a logical structure.

4. Layout

The layout can be as important as the content. Use it to clarify meaning by using headings and sub headings to signpost information. Bulleted lists and bold type can be used to highlight key points and benefits. 

5. Be familiar

If you are writing about something complex, try to link it to something in everyday life that your reader will understand – using similes in this way can help make complex ideas simple. 

6. Don’t be clever

It’s very tempting to add in a pun or two, but remember not everyone is going to find it funny. As a rule, it’s best to keep humour out of your copywriting.

7. Start with the most important

The most important part of your copy is the benefits, so make sure you place them at the start of your heading and your first paragraph. The rest of your copy should back them up with features and a strong call to action. 

By following these simple ideas your copy will flow and get your message across clearly. Give it a try and then come back and tell us how you got on.