AI content

AI content



AI content. Deep fakes. Nothing is as it appears today.

Magazines are regularly being hauled over the coals for airbrushing photos of celebrities to the point that their mothers would struggle to recognise them.

Photo-enhancing apps mean regular people (like you and me) can now retouch photos before uploading them to Facebook or Instagram. This means that, according to our social media streams, ostensibly, our friends are getting younger while we continue to age at an alarming rate.

Now, this faking has moved into the world of content. Yes, I’m talking about AI-generated copy.

You can no longer be sure whether what you’re reading has been written by a human or a machine.

Human content wins out every time against AI content

I hate the thought of AI-generated content.


First and foremost, it will put me out of work.

Secondly, it washes away any chance of building relationships with your customers. AI can’t empathise. It’s repetitive and boring. It creates a distance between your readers and your brand. It also:

  • Lacks emotional intelligence – without emotion, AI can’t appeal to your reader’s emotions
  • Has no storytelling ability – AI relies on data and key phrases, which results in generic, passionless copy that won’t keep your readers engaged
  • Lacks persuasion – to be persuasive, you must understand psychology and what motivates people. Only humans can understand how to address objections, build trust, and motivate
  • Doesn’t understand nuance – human writers can gently lead readers to a desired outcome through subtlety without being ‘salesy’. In contrast, AI copy is often generic, robotic, and unsophisticated
  • Offers no creativity – a copywriter will use their experience to bring their copy to life. AI relies on its programming, so it can’t create genuinely original ideas and creative concepts like a human can
  • Offers no flexibility – copywriters can quickly adapt their style to suit different audiences, mediums, and goals. AI software is limited to the parameters with which it has been designed
  • Has no strategic thinking – copywriters don’t just put words on pages – they develop an overarching content strategy based on your goals and metrics
  • Has no industry knowledge – Yes, AI has access to a massive amount of data, but it can’t pick up the phone and interview your subject matter expert to get a handle on the industry from your perspective

Your content must be believable

Your audience isn’t stupid, so don’t treat them like they are.

If you want them to trust you, you must be transparent and specific about how you can help them.

Vague statements won’t convince anyone.

Ditch the AI software you bought in the mistaken belief that it will cut your content costs (although that might be true, it will also cut your conversion rates and sales). The only way to engage with your customers is by using a real copywriter who breathes, offers advice, and has experience building relationships.

Forget fake and be real. It’s the only way to succeed in today’s increasingly competitive marketplace.

Sally Ormond – a real copywriter!!