What The Hell Is a Keyword Anyway?
Keywords get bad press. They have been abused over the years by unscrupulous SEOs and dodgy copywriters, and repeatedly crammed into every inch of websites in the vain hope they will make Google propel the site to the top of the rankings. By the way, that doesn’t work. Although they have taken a bit […]
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How Much Should You Pay For a Blog Post?
How much are you willing to pay for a blog post? Probably not as much as you should pay, and here’s why. As you know, blogging is an excellent way to gain exposure online. Not only will it satisfy Google by delivering a fresh batch of content to your website regularly, but it will […]
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Time-limited Offers Will Strengthen Your Copy
How many times have you hesitated when considering buying something? Although you make decisions all day long, they are always harder to make when they result in you parting with your hard-earned cash. What if, after you’ve bought the item, you find it cheaper elsewhere? What if you’re out and about next week and […]
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Your Content Should Revolve Around One Idea
Your new product or service is ready to marketed. You’ve designed your website and marketing materials and found the perfect copywriter to work with you on the content. Your brief to them is detailed and contains everything they need to know about your offering. There’s so much to say, and you tell them all […]
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What Comes First? Website Design, SEO, or Content?
You need a new website because you’ve either started a new venture, or your old one needs updating. You know you need a great design. You know you need an expert to help you with your SEO strategy. You also know you need a professional to create mind-blowingly excellent content. But, which one do […]
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Marketing: The Power of You
What is the point of marketing your business? To draw in customers who want to buy your products and services, right? So if you know that, why are you driving them away? In my experience, most marketing materials are written from completely the wrong angle. Although they are supposed to attract buyers, they tend […]
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Corporate Blogs – Should Your Authors Get Bylines?
To byline or not to byline, that is the question. If you use external freelance writers to create content for your blog, they have probably agreed to write as your company and therefore wouldn’t expect a byline. However, if you use external experts to generate content for you, a byline should be included out […]
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Newsletters – How to Make an Impact in an Overcrowded Inbox
Newsletters provide a great opportunity for you to keep your relationship with your customers alive and kicking. They are relatively cheap to produce and easy to deliver – all it takes is the push of a button. But that means there’s a downside to them as well; everyone’s sending them, which means your customers’ inboxes […]
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Great Copywriting Takes Longer Than You Think
Every copywriter comes across this problem. Practically every new client will take this stance when it comes to negotiating the fee for a piece of work. What is it? “It won’t take that long; you only need a day and a half to write that document.” Is that right? So, what you are you […]
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How to Diversify Your Supply Chain
As a corporate, your supply chain matters. You want to sure you have the best suppliers providing you with the best products and services at the best prices and service levels. Your tendering process isn’t the greatest (whose is?) making it tricky for smaller suppliers to get a look in. And that means you […]
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