Search engine optimisation isn’t a great mystery. Yes, it will help you get found in the search results, but when it comes to copy on your website, the most important thing to remember is to write for your reader and not the search engines.Blogging is a great way to promote yourself and your business, but making sure your blogs get found by searchers is a whole different ball game.
That’s why it’s important to remember the power of your page title.
The problem is that many people get confused about the difference between a page title and a post title.
The post title is as it would suggest, the name you give to your blog post. Your page title is automatically generated when you write your posts and therefore tends to be the same, as shown inĀ the image below:
But if you want to optimise your post further, you should amend your page title to something that will carry a bit more SEO clout.
A lot of blogging platforms, such as Word Press, make this task easy for you by providing plugins (such as the All in One SEO Pack plugin).
How can you make your page title more SEO friendly?
Well, by making sure your main keyword is in the first section of your page title, you’ll give it an extra SEO boost. But you must remember that you only have 65 characters to play with.
However, it’s important to make sure that you don’t sacrifice meaning for SEO. Use the word(s) that are most relevant to your post (or web page – don’t forget this should also be done for your website pages) and create something that answers the searchers’ questions.
For example, if someone has a dog with behavioural problems, a listing that states: “Dog Behavioural Problems – Advice and Training Videos” highlights that it is a website that is highly likely to have the information you’re looking for.
Your page titles are one of the most vital aspects of your SEO, so it’s essential you get them right.
It’s a simple thing to do that can make a huge difference.