Freelance copywriter vs agency content

Freelance copywriter or agency-written content: those are your two choices if you decide not to write your content in-house.

But which is the best?

Join me as I take a quick look at both options to help you decide.

Freelance copywriter

Your freelance copywriter is an expert in the written word. Writing and creating original content is pretty much all they do day in and day out.

They have spent years learning their craft and have developed the knack of morphing their writing to the needs of their clients. That could be professional, quirky, or friendly. They’ve spent so long writing that they understand what people want to read (which, incidentally, isn’t always what you, as a business owner, want to write).

Quite often, they operate as a one-person band. That’s great news for you because it guarantees continuity across all the projects they work on for you.

Because they work alone, they are flexible and responsive. Plus, you get to develop a relationship with them. Before you know it, they are no longer just a writer; they also help you create and shape your content marketing strategy.

You’ll also be pleased to hear that as a professional freelance copywriter, they will not be using AI in any way, shape or form. Every word you get will be considered and chosen by a human being.

Agency content

Using an agency to write your content can be tempting, especially if you’re already using one for social media or the visual elements of your marketing.

But is it really better to put everything under one roof?

Let’s think about that for a second.

First, the copywriter (or copywriters) who work on your content may not be very experienced. They certainly won’t have the expertise of a freelancer. Often, you won’t be the only client they work for, so they may not have the capacity to take the time to understand your brand. As a result, they won’t have the time to develop your content to the best it can be. I’m not saying it will be rushed, but they won’t have the time to evolve the content like a freelancer can.

Due to workload and inexperience, there’s a fair chance that AI might be used. Although this reduces the turnaround time, it also strips any humanness from the writing. It becomes generic and bland – not something you want to use when promoting your brand.

The other thing to consider is that you may not be guaranteed the same writer. This could lead to continuity issues.

What’s right for you? Freelance copywriter or agency?

Now it’s time for you to decide.

Freelance copywriter vs agency


Sally Ormond – freelance copywriter. 100% human. No AI.