
If you want to rocket propel your business into cyberspace you need to blog.

Before you roll your eyes at the screen, blogging departed from the geek platform a long time ago. Practically everyone has a blog these days – so don’t get left behind.

You might think that just because you have a website, you have all the exposure you need. That’s fabulous if it were true. Where does your site feature in the Google rankings? Page 1? 2? 3? Lower?

Help your rankings go into overdrive

Using a blog to promote your business helps in two ways:

  • It allows you to have a ‘conversation’ with your customers – a great way to pass on knowledge, tips etc.
  • It helps you build valuable one way back links to your website which are vital as part of your SEO strategy.

Make a connection

Today, marketing isn’t just about selling; it’s about building relationships. The easiest way to do that is to set up a blog to inform people about your industry. As you’ve already guessed by now, this blog is all about freelance copywriting. When my readers come here they know they’ll get great information and tips on copywriting and marketing. Find any copywriter and they’ll probably be doing the same.

You can do the same for your business too. You can use your posts to tell people about industry news, your views on what’s happening, announce new products or give product reviews.

Unlike regular adverts, blogs have the ability to spread your news to a global audience, not just the readership of your local magazine or newspaper.

As readers subscribe to your blog they’ll get to know you as an expert in your field. Your reputation will grow and the traffic to your main site will increase. And here’s how…

Build links

When you make a post on your blog (a bit like this one) and write about a particular subject, try and use your key phrases within the text. Then, when you use the word(s) – for example freelance copywriter – create a hyperlink (like the one you’ve just seen) which will take your reader back to your main website.

Not only will this drive traffic to your main site, it also creates a back link. These are vital for your search engine optimisation. Basically Google looks at links as a way of judging the authority of your website. The more relevant sites that link to you, the more authority your site is judged to have and the higher your position in the search engine results.

Therefore, blogging will help your business. So what are you waiting for? Get blogging.