
If you get it right, email marketing can be one of the most effective marketing tools available to businesses today.

Yes everyone’s doing it but that doesn’t mean it’s easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy.

If you want it to work you must give each email a lot of serious thought otherwise it will simply end up being deleted.

Every email must count and convert. That may sound simple enough but in practice it can get complicated.

To help you out, here’s my top 3 tips to boost your email marketing conversion rates:

1. Tell them what they need to know

You’d be amazed at how many businesses that don’t. Just as with website copy, many companies insist on using their emails as a way of telling their customer how great they are at what they do.

That’s not what they want to hear. They want to know what you can do for them.

Also don’t try and cram everything into one email. No one wants to read War and Peace in their inbox. If you want to showcase new products or a new service, tease them with a taster in the email and then link out to your website so they can get more information.

2. Don’t confuse – just one action

Every piece of marketing must have a call to action. But make sure you keep it simple.

If your email is filled with multiple actions sending your reader here, there and everywhere, they’ll end up completely confused. So keep it simple.

3. Build credibility

Your emails are a perfect way to reinforce your credibility as a company. Include your latest testimonials and use them as case studies so illustrate how you’ve helped your customers.

If your email marketing is done well it can be very effective. They are a superb way of getting your sales message in front of your customers quickly. Just make sure your message is clear.