Video Scripts

Video Scripts

Video scripts are part of the remit of a copywriter. You may not have realised that. You see, although the video is visual, the script needs words. When you need words, you need a copywriter.

Videos can be an excellent tool for drawing attention to a new product. An explainer video can also boost customer service. Whatever the video is used for, the most important part is the script.

Creating absorbing video scripts 

When I create content for clients, I always persuade them to use conversational language to help boost engagement. This is vital in a video because the script is designed to be read out loud. Therefore, spoken rather than written English is a must.

Creating the script can either involve following a storyboard or giving the copywriter free rein with the graphics and video elements being fitted to your script.

Either way, you must begin where all-powerful marketing writing begins – with the customer.

What is it that they want?

How will the product or service help them?

How will it make their life better?

These are the areas your script should concentrate on more than the features of the product or service you’re trying to sell.

Pain vs pleasure 

Once you have the answers to the three questions above, it should be easy to identify the customer’s main pain issue (i.e. problem), prompting the search for a solution.

The most powerful videos highlight this issue and show how the product/service will alleviate it.

For example, if the main benefit is time-saving, you could talk about having to work late and all the social and family occasions missed with a visual of someone slumped at their desk with dark circles under their eyes.

Video scripts always use the spoken word 

Your script will be spoken out loud. It’s easy to fall into the trap of writing written English.

Do you follow?

Normal copywriting involves all the usual grammatical rules associated with written English, but a script is spoken. Therefore, it’s important to write as you talk.

To ensure your script doesn’t sound stilted (as will happen if you stick to written formalities), read it out loud and adjust it to make it sound like natural speech.

How long should your video scripts be? 

It’s tempting to try and cover everything in your video, but it’s important to realise you’re not creating a film.

The whole purpose of your video is to tempt your viewer into wanting to find out more, so it should provide enough information to whet their appetite.

I always recommend videos to be up to 90 seconds long, which is about the equivalent attention span of most people. Any longer than that, and you risk them getting bored and wandering off.

Call to action 

Don’t let your script or your visuals fizzle out at the end.

Recap your main points, visually and audibly, to ensure the benefits are driven home, and then tell your viewer to get in touch. Your web address, phone number, and email address should be the final image of your video.

If you forget that bit, how will they know how to contact you?

Videos are fantastic marketing tools, but you must remember:

  • Who you are creating them for (i.e. your customers)
  • To write your script in spoken English
  • To make sure your video lasts no longer than 90 seconds
  • To finish with a strong call to action

Sally Ormond – copywriter, script writer and general word wizard.