
No one is engaging with your articles.

You religiously post items every week from your subject matter experts (SMEs), but readers are scarcer than hens’ teeth.

The topics you cover are what your reader wants to read, but they’re snubbing you, and your blog is on the verge of extinction.

What are you doing wrong?

Articles are to be read

You have some very knowledgeable people within your business, which is why you opted to have them write your articles rather than hire a copywriter.

After all, why would you pay a professional writer when you have SMEs who can generate content as part of their job?

The problem is that they aren’t expert writers. They know their stuff, there’s no doubt about that, but they can’t put it across in a way that’s interesting and accessible to your readers. That’s where freelance copywriters are worth their weight in gold.

They will interview your SMEs, gather relevant information, and then create an informative, easy-to-read, and entertaining article. Your SMEs will be happy because rather than taking a day or two to create the article, they can have a half-hour call and then get on with the rest of their day.

How a copywriter will make your blog more effective

Lesson 1: Gathering information

A copywriter is never going to be an expert in everything. However, professional writers understand how to gather information and use it to create an interesting article.

The result won’t just be a splurge of information; it will be written to teach the reader something, address the reader, and draw them in.

Using the second person will be engaging, involving the reader in the article, building rapport, and gaining their trust.

Lesson 2: What do your articles look like?

One consideration that’s often overlooked is the aesthetics of your article.

The way it looks is essential. If it’s one solid block of text, it’s unlikely to be read. But, if it’s broken into small paragraphs and subheadings like this one, your reader is more likely to hang around and have a read.

No one wants to read something that looks like War and Peace. Very few people like reading from a screen, so if faced with a solid screen of text, they won’t bother reading it.

Using features such as:

  • Headings
  • Subheadings
  • Bulleted lists
  • Images

They will add interest to your post and make it look more welcoming.

Lesson 3: What happens at the end of your articles?

SMEs often just relay the facts and then use a conclusion to sum up what they’ve written about. Not very effective. However, a copywriter will use the opportunity to ask readers to do something rather than just wander off.

Adding a call to action makes a huge difference. It doesn’t have to make a sale; it could ask them to sign up for your newsletter or leave a comment. Asking them to act involves them in your blog, showing that their opinion matters to you.

Lesson 4: What are you writing about?

This is where you will shine. Your people know everything there is to know about your business. They have the in-depth knowledge that your readers crave. However, the problem is relaying it in a way that will make them want to read it.

There’s no point in writing about a subject if you don’t relate it to the issues facing your readers. If you do, you’ll get a ‘so what?’ response.

That’s why it pays to work with a freelance copywriter who can take your information and create an educational article that gives your readers value.


Blogging is a great way to help your SEO and build your brand’s reputation online. Remember, everything you publish represents your business, so make sure it reflects a positive image that will be remembered.


Sally Ormond – freelance copywriter and article writer extraordinaire.