Copywriting and focusOne of the biggest issues I encounter in the marketing world is clients’ lack of clarity about their priorities.

Or, to be precise, they think they know what they are, but they’re wrong.

Let me explain.

When meeting with a copywriting client for the first time, I spend a lot of time chatting about their aims for the particular piece of marketing we’re working on.

Inevitably, they tell me they want to increase sales for a specific product or service, boost traffic to their website, or something along those lines. Granted, these are legitimate business goals, but what they don’t talk about is wanting to show their customers how their product/service will make their lives easier.

And that is what they should be focusing on.

Get your copywriting priorities in order

I was chatting to a client the other day who ‘gets’ what I’m talking about. He’s a business consultant who encounters a similar issue when meeting with clients.

For him, the frustration is when clients tell him they want to be the best in their industry at handling complaints.


Surely it would be better to offer exceptional service so there are no complaints.

You see, their focus is in entirely the wrong place.

Using copywriting to show your customers what you can do for them

Every piece of marketing you produce (including internal communications) must be focused on your customers’ needs.

It must show them how you will help them rather than what you do.

That means tailoring your message about your service and products to show the main benefits they offer (you can discuss what they do later in your copy).

That’s all your customers are bothered about.

They don’t care about your business per se; they want to know if you can solve their problem (whatever that may be).

Sure, they’ll want to know a bit about you before making a final decision, but it’s essential that you show them you are the company that puts their needs first by explaining how you’ll help them.

No one will listen if all you do is talk about how great you are.

The moral of this blog post is:

  • Focus solely on your customers and what they want
  • Concentrate on delivering the best product and service you can
  • Be generous with your information

Sally Ormond – freelance copywriter