Writing about long copy is alien to me because I have a short attention span. Therefore, I prefer short copy over long.  Long copy

But Google disagrees with me, hence writing this post.

Generally, I’ll read posts that are short and concise.

However, I am very aware that not everyone thinks like me. According to nectafy.com:

  • Bloggers who write articles of 2,000 words or more are far more likely to get strong results
  • Long-form articles generate nine times more leads

But 73% of people admit to skimming rather than reading a blog post.

What’s so great about long copy?

Long copy has a longer shelf life – provided it is of very high quality (more about that later).

The extra length allows you to demonstrate your authority and develop your ideas. Because of this, it makes the content more valuable and, therefore, more shareable.

I really don’t want to write this, but it also means more instances of keywords that will help your content get found.

Before you rub your hands together and squeeze 500 keywords into your 2000-word article – stop.

I mentioned earlier that long copy works if it’s of high quality. That means no keyword stuffing. What it does mean, though, is that you have plenty of room to include synonyms that will help Google understand your page or post.

You see, usually, when someone is searching for something, they will type a question into Google’s search bar rather than a single word or phrase. That means, when you write a longer and more in-depth article or web page, you stand more chance of your writing containing words and phrases that match the searchers’ needs.

In fact, you’ll find that people who find you through this type of long tail search will convert better because they will get a better match for their search needs.

Long copy has more social value

Google learns a lot from our behaviour.

For example, Google knows that long copy gets more social shares because people feel it’s more valuable. That’s why, as part of its search algorithm, Google looks at how many social shares and backlinks you get and factors that into how well you rank.

Of course, to get social shares, you need to have developed your social media presence.

Writing long posts without previous social engagement will not lead to umpteen shares and likes. Long posts aren’t magical in that way (or any other, for that matter).

Quality vs quantity

OK, so you can now start to see why long copy is better than short.

There is one caveat, though: your long copy must be well-written and very high quality.

That means you can’t just pad out a 500-word article to a 2000-word one with a load of fluff and nonsense.

It’s all about knowing your audience – what do they want to know, and how do they want to learn about it?

Some subjects you’ll cover demand shorter articles, and that’s fine. Your marketing plan should consist of a wide range of content – video, podcast, long content, short content, etc.

However, where possible, long content will create that evergreen feel your strategy needs. Just make sure you write it in such a way that will keep your reader with you right until the final sentence.

Creating readable long copy

Remember that stat from earlier about 73% of people skimming rather than reading? Keeping your readers entertained for 1000-2000 words is challenging.

Your writing must be on the money; you’ll need fantastic images that illustrate your points and content that doesn’t scare them off.

For example, if you rattle out your word count in one long wall of text or two or three long paragraphs, no one will take the time to read it.

If you want to engage your reader, your content also must look great. That means lots of short, pithy paragraphs, simple language, white space, and lots of subheadings that give structure to your content.

Jargon is a big no-no. Granted, it may be part of your working life, but not all your readers will be familiar with it. Contrary to most peoples’ beliefs, it doesn’t make you sound smart either. That’s why you must keep your language simple so everyone can understand what you’re saying. It also shows your ability to articulate, at times, complex ideas in simple terms – a skill very few people possess.

Write because you believe

If you find that you’re churning out content because you feel you have to, it’s time to stop and rethink.

You shouldn’t be writing just for the sake of it; you should be writing because your readers demand it and want to see more.

Your business won’t be helped by second-rate content. If you’re not engaged with the task, then your readers won’t be engaged. You’ll end up writing stuff that’s irrelevant to them (and just about everyone else) that effectively shoves a sign in front of them saying, “forget this company; they have no idea what you want.”

Make a list about your audience:

  • What do they want to know?
  • Why do they want to know about it?
  • Who are they?
  • How do they like to get their information?
  • How can you improve their lives?

Start thinking about your content plan in relation to them. After all, the only way you’ll get people to read your well-written content is to give them what they want in the way they want it.

Be in it for the long haul

You now understand why long copy works, why Google loves it so much, and how to write it in a way your readers will love.

Just remember, if you’re going to start a content strategy, you have to be in it for the long haul.

As your readership grows, they will become more demanding, so you must be sure you can satisfy their content needs.

All that’s left for me to say is this:

Write long, write exciting, and write well.




