AI Copywriting

AI copywriting

AI copywriting is here.

I hoped I’d never have to say that, but it’s true.

And it’s a real shame. Copywriting, in fact, writing in general, is so personal that it should never be entrusted to AI.

Writing, as a form of communication, is there to make an emotional connection between the writer and the reader. As a marketing discipline, copywriting is the art of using words and emotions to get under the reader’s skin and convince them to take a specific action. Only another human can nail that aspect because they have feelings and empathy.

In my earlier post, Is AI Copywriting Ruining the Integrity of Online Content, I mentioned that I’d been playing with AI tools to see what they could create. The service I used wanted an article outline, a title, keywords, the tone I wanted and the intended audience. Then, in a couple of minutes, it spewed out the result. It wasn’t good.

The characteristics of an AI copywritten article

Here’s how you can spot an AI blog post:

  • Impersonal – there’s no depth to the language, and it doesn’t ‘speak’ to the reader
  • Repetitive – after a while, you get the impression you’re reading the same thing but just phrased differently
  • No research – it may mention something like ‘studies have shown,’ but there’s no reference to what that research was
  • Bland – there is no personality and certainly no brand voice
  • Boring – because it has no personality, it’s as dull as ditch water

All of that adds up to content for content’s sake. It doesn’t add value to the reader. All it does is put content on a website, filling the internet with poor-quality articles that are a complete waste of space.

I get why companies use it – it’s much cheaper than a professional copywriter, but what about the bigger picture?

Hello readers, how are you?

Your company needs content to engage with your customers, drive loyalty and provide them with helpful information. They’ll love you for it and will keep coming back for more.

Take my blog as an example. My readers come to me to learn about aspects of copywriting and marketing. If they arrived and faced a bunch of generic, bland posts, they’d soon stop coming by.

When you read my blogs, you can feel that a real person has written them. They have personality, emotion and sometimes the odd typo (what can I say, I’m human). I hope they read like a conversation, so they come across as though I’m speaking to you.

AI can’t do that.

I know budgets are tight, but investing in professional copywriting is the only way to maintain the human touch your customers want.

Don’t give up on those personal connections you’ve been making with your customers. Maintain the love they feel for your brand through engaging, emotive, and personal writing.


Sally Ormond is a professional copywriter with a pulse. Get in touch with her to ensure your brand maintains its human heart.